
   Here at Simply Sweet Scrappers we do a little of everything. The name was pulled from scrap booking and quilting. Mrs. Myrick has been quilting for some time and then got into scrap booking and card making. So, she came up with the name Simply (because that is how she likes to keep things) Sweet (because she and the staff are all so sweet and so are our customers) Scrappers (because she has always used her fabric scraps and then when she got into scrap booking, the two just came together as scrappers!). 
   Quilting is a great thing to get into. It is very relaxing and if you like arts then this should be right up your alley. The best thing is you can either follow a pattern that has already been made or take that pattern and alter it so that you have come up with your own design or you don't have to use a pattern at all and just draw out a design and run with it. I, myself, have gotten bit by that creative bug as well. 
   Here you will find patterns and kits. From time to time you may be able to find pre-cut fabric pieces as we have a machine to cut out many different shapes and we sometimes sell the ones we don't put into quilts for the shop. So, check out the quilting section for all the goodies!